Super strategies to consider this EOFY

As the End of Financial Year (EOFY) approaches, investors are keenly aware of the importance of being financially prepared. Effective planning and strategic decision-making during this period can significantly impact your financial health and investment outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just getting started, here are some super strategies to consider prior to this EOFY.


1. Review Your Investment Portfolio

The first step towards a successful EOFY is a thorough review of your investment portfolio. Assess the performance of your investments over the past year and determine whether they align with your financial goals.

  • Analyse Performance: Look at the returns generated by each investment and compare them to the benchmarks. Identify underperforming assets and consider whether they should be retained or replaced.
  • Diversification: Ensure your portfolio is well-diversified across different asset classes to mitigate risks. Diversification can help you achieve a more balanced portfolio and reduce exposure to market volatility.
  • Rebalance: Rebalancing your portfolio involves adjusting the weightings of different assets to maintain your desired risk level. This may involve selling high-performing assets and buying underperforming ones to restore balance.


2. Consider Additional Superannuation Contributions

Superannuation is a tax-effective way to save for retirement, and EOFY is an excellent time to maximise your contributions.

  • Concessional Contributions: These are pre-tax contributions capped at $27,500 per annum. Consider salary sacrificing or making personal deductible contributions to take full advantage of this cap.
  • Non-Concessional Contributions: These are after-tax contributions capped at $110,000 per annum. If you have extra funds, consider making non-concessional contributions to boost your super balance.
  • Catch-Up Contributions: If you haven’t used your full concessional contributions cap in the last few years, you may be eligible to make catch-up contributions. This is particularly useful if you had lower income in previous years.


3. Take Advantage of Tax Deductions and Offsets

Tax deductions and offsets can reduce your taxable income, resulting in significant savings. Here are some to consider:

  • Investment-Related Expenses: Claim deductions for expenses incurred in managing your investments, such as interest on investment loans, management fees, and financial advice fees.
  • Negative Gearing: If your investment property’s expenses exceed its rental income, the loss can be offset against your other taxable income, reducing your overall tax liability.
  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Management: Strategically managing capital gains and losses can minimise your CGT liability. Consider selling underperforming assets to realise capital losses, which can offset gains on other investments.


4. Evaluate Insurance Needs

Insurance is a crucial component of any financial strategy. Ensure you have adequate coverage to protect your investments and financial well-being.

  • Review Policies: Assess your existing insurance policies, including life, income protection, and trauma insurance. Ensure the coverage amounts are still appropriate for your current financial situation.
  • Consider Cost Savings: Look for opportunities to reduce premiums without compromising coverage. For instance, consolidating multiple policies with the same insurer can often result in discounts.


5. Seek Professional Advice

EOFY is a complex period, and professional advice can help you navigate the intricacies of tax law and investment strategy.

  • Financial Adviser: A financial adviser can provide tailored advice based on your financial goals and circumstances. They can assist with portfolio review, superannuation strategies, and tax planning.
  • Tax Adviser: Engaging a tax advisor can ensure you are taking full advantage of available deductions and offsets while remaining compliant with tax laws.
  • Estate Planning: Consider updating your will and estate plan to reflect any changes in your financial situation. This ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can provide peace of mind.


6. Plan for the Next Financial Year

EOFY is not just about wrapping up the current year; it’s also an opportunity to plan for the future.

  • Set Financial Goals: Define your financial goals for the next year and beyond. Whether it’s growing your wealth, saving for a specific purpose, or preparing for retirement, having clear goals can guide your investment decisions.
  • Budgeting and Cash Flow: Create a budget and monitor cash flow to ensure you are on track to meet your financial objectives. Effective cash flow management can help you avoid unnecessary debt and take advantage of investment opportunities.
  • Stay Informed: Keep abreast of changes in tax laws, superannuation regulations, and market conditions. Staying informed can help you make proactive decisions and adapt your strategy as needed.


The End of Financial Year is a critical time for investors to take stock of their financial situation and implement strategies to optimise their wealth. By reviewing your investment portfolio, maximising superannuation contributions, taking advantage of tax deductions, evaluating insurance needs, seeking professional advice, and planning for the next financial year, you can position yourself for success.

Remember, effective planning and strategic action during this period can make a significant difference in achieving your financial goals. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to financial professionals who can provide the expertise and guidance you need.

Prepare wisely, invest smartly, and make the most of this EOFY!

If you would like to improve your current investment strategies or are looking to start your investment journey, click here to organise a complimentary 20-minute phone call with an EPG Wealth adviser.



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